Delegate Information

Important Deadlines

Washington State Democrats 2024 DSAAP Timelines

(DSAAP = Delegate Selection and Affirmative Action Plan)

Every four years the State Party (SP) develops a DSAAP for selecting delegates from the Legislative Districts (LDs) to the State Convention, and from the Congressional Districts (CDs) to the National Convention.

For Delegates to the State Convention: (Will be hybrid) (Convention June 21-23, location TBA)

1145 base delegates, 490 alternates. LDs meeting their affirmative action goals based on the demographics of their communities will be awarded additional delegates.

The process for registration and elections is 100% virtual, and will be managed by the SP.

Important Dates:

March 1 – Names of Standing Committee Members (Credentials, Platform, Rules) turned in to SP

March 31 – Intent to run for delegate filing deadline 

April 1 – LD deadline to send membership list to SPto vote, you MUST be a LD 25 member by March 6, 2024

April 1-6 – LDs to schedule a delegate candidate forum (virtual or live, LD choice)

April 2-6 – Unique Voting Identifier to be emailed to voting members of the LD

April 6 – Ballots will be emailed to voting members of the LD at 10 am, voting closes at 9 pm

To be a Delegate  

·        You Must be willing to publicly identify as a democrat, and register online by March 31

·        You must be elected by your LD Membership via virtual ballot

·        Divided by congressional district / Presidential preference (To be determined by the primary)

*Chairs or their designee will help troubleshoot on caucus day (April 6) if you have any questions or issues voting.

 *Each State Convention LD delegation may submit up to two resolutions

National Delegate Selection (National Convention 8/19-24, Chicago, IL, must stay in Michigan Ave Westin Hotel)

111 Delegates elected in 3 groups: 60 from CD Caucuses (virtually), 12 party leaders (PLEO); 28 At Large

Congressional (60)

·        CD 8 – 6; CD 10 – 5

·        Elected by state delegates who live in the respective CD

·        May 12 - Candidate intent to run due, election May 18 (ballots emailed  to state delegates)

·        CD Exec Committee Reps (Patti for the 10th CD) will host a candidate forum

Party leader and elected official - 12 (PLEO)

·        Elected at large   

·        Only State Committee Members (SCMs) from the LDs will vote

·        June 2 – intent to run deadline – election June 9 (Ballots emailed  to SCMs)

At large - 28

·        Elected at large by , LD SCMs only, same as PLEOs above

·        All PLEOs who don’t win, are auto candidates for at-large

·        June 2 - registration deadline,  election held June 9 – directly after PLEO election